Why Having an Emergency Food Store Could Literally Save Your Life

Emergencies can happen at any time, and being prepared can make all the difference. One of the most important things to have in an emergency is a reliable source of food. An emergency food store can provide you with sustenance and nutrition during a crisis, and can quite literally save your life. In this article, we’ll explore the different scenarios in which having an emergency food store could be crucial to your survival, and offer some advice on how to prepare.

Natural Disasters

Natural disasters can be catastrophic and can disrupt your access to food for days or even weeks. Floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes can all result in power outages and damage to infrastructure, making it difficult to obtain food from shops and restaurants.

In the UK, the risk of flooding is high in many areas, and can result in significant damage to homes and roads. In these situations, having an emergency food store can be a lifesaver. You can have access to food that does not require cooking or refrigeration, and can sustain you until normal services are restored.


The Covid-19 pandemic has shown how quickly our lives can change, and how important it is to be prepared for unexpected events. In a pandemic situation, it may be necessary to self-isolate or quarantine, which can make it difficult to obtain food from shops or restaurants.

Having a store of emergency foods can help you avoid unnecessary exposure to the virus and ensure that you have access to food during a lockdown. With a stockpile of non-perishable items, you can avoid trips to the shops and reduce the risk of infection.

Personal Emergencies

Emergencies can also happen on a personal level. For example, you may be involved in an accident or have a sudden illness that prevents you from leaving your home. In these situations, having an emergency food store can help you to survive until help arrives.

A stockpile of food that does not require cooking or refrigeration can sustain you during a personal emergency, giving you the time and energy to focus on your recovery.

Civil Unrest

Civil unrest and riots can disrupt normal services, and make it difficult to obtain food and supplies. In the UK, we have seen civil unrest in the form of riots and protests, which can quickly escalate and result in damage to property and infrastructure.

Having an emergency food store can help you avoid exposure to these dangers and ensure that you have access to food during times of unrest. A stockpile of non-perishable items can sustain you until normal services are restored, and reduce your risk of exposure to potential danger.

How to Prepare

Preparing an emergency food store is a simple process that can save your life. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Stockpile non-perishable items such as canned goods, freeze-dried foods, dehydrated foods, and MREs (meals ready to eat).
  • Choose foods that are high in nutrition and have a long shelf life.
  • Store food in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and heat sources.
  • Keep a stockpile of clean water, as well as a means of purifying water if necessary.
  • Regularly rotate your emergency food supply to ensure that it remains fresh and of good quality.


Having an emergency food store can be a lifesaver in a crisis situation. With a stockpile of non-perishable items, you can ensure that you have access to food during a disaster, pandemic, personal emergency, or civil unrest. By following the tips in this article, you can prepare yourself and your family for unexpected events, and have the peace of mind that comes